Medical Camps
We conduct medical camps at different places to help people who are incapable of funding their medical expenses. We arrange for doctors and even specialists to offer medical examination, treatment and even medicines at free of cost so that the needy people are not left with an untreated medical condition.
The locals near these medical camps are also educated about the healthy habits and good practices to be followed in order to remain fit and healthy. Locals are extremely grateful to this benevolent initiative taken up by ALC and have requested for more such camps in near future for benefit of the local populace.

Sanitary Napkin Drive
Till today, there is not enough awareness about the necessity of menstrual hygiene among women and young girls in far-flung, remote areas. Many of them are often forced to use pieces of cloth during their periods, which is a very unhygienic and unhealthy practice and which often leads to complications in the future. We conduct periodic drives to distribute sanitary napkins among the rural women and young girls and try to impart awareness about proper hygiene so that they are not forced to resort to unhygienic ways, during their periods.

Food Drive
ALC holds food collection and food distribution drives in many places of West Bengal to help the people below poverty line, especially the families with children, to get proper food and nutrition.
As the coronavirus pandemic ravaged our country from 2020 and started affecting people’s jobs, businesses and the school food programs, we noticed an increase in the need for more periodic food drives.
ALC volunteers took the responsibility on their shoulder and conducted numerous food collection and food distribution drives at various locations within the state, to ensure that proper food and nutrition reached the families and people who were badly affected by the Covid pandemic.
Our goal at ALC, when it comes to food and nutrition, is to achieve Zero Hunger not just in the state but in the entire country.